About Me

I am an IT digital Media major with a year left of schooling. In my free time, i love to lift weights,draw,paint, and play videogames. I am currently looking for CyberSecurity or UX design internships.

ITech Classes that I have taken

  1. ITEC 2130: Web Technologies
  2. ITEC 2140 Programming Fundamentals
  3. ITEC 2150 Intermediate Programming
  4. ITEC 3100 Intro to Networks
  5. ITEC 3200 Intro to Databases
  6. ITEC 3300 Information Security
  7. ITEC 3450 Computer Graphics and Multimedia
  8. ITEC 3900 Professional Practices and Ethics
  9. ITEC 4310 Operating Systems Security
  10. ITEC 4450 Web Development

My Favorite Videogame Character

crypto the apex legends character
Click me to listen to my favorite song at the moment